About Me

So who am I? Well…

I am an unapologetic Christian, a Canadian, Registered Nurse, Mother, Wife, and I am in my 40’s. I love to do art, and have been putting my art up for sale on various items on Redbubble.com. You should check it out. Many artist have their art there. I love cats, (and pretty much all animals to be totally truthful) and have 3 male orange tabby’s, and I like to fish with my husband.

Oh, and if you have not noticed, I am a direct person, and I have a very strong backbone. I don’t appreciate people trying to bully me or anyone else, and I won’t put up with it on my blog either. I am not mean, or rude, (at least I don’t think so) but direct. I also try very hard to be a very honest person. So as my family has always said about me :  “don’t ask , if you don’t really want to hear it.”

I started a blog because I believe that the Holy Spirit is prompting me to share my experiences and views about being a Christian Woman in this day and age, and the challenges it brings as well as, the rewards.So, in obedience the promptings of God I started this Blog. I hope others gain insight from my experiences.

I hope my blog blesses others.